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The magic word: Bon/Bonne

The way French people use the word Bon/Bonne amazes me. When you go to a movie, they will say "Bon film!"; when you are about to start a yoga class, they will say "Bon séance"; when you go to a museum, they will say "Bonne visite", and when I subscribed to a new class in school, the lady at reception will say "Bonne continuation" with a smile. Let alone the comment use of bonjour, bonne nuit, bon appetit, bon chance, bon courage, bon voyage......I mean there are almost one bon/ bonne XXX in every situation. Therefore when my friend Alex Gowling was about to give birth to her baby daughter, I couldn't help but wonder what can I say to encourage her like a French (She is not even French, lovely Australian, but as long as she can understand French, I felt obligated to say something in French, in order to justify all the money I have paid on French lessons). Bon courage seems to be fitting, but too ordinary, I want something more original, something more daring; something more......french, so at the end I uttered two words "BON POUSSER!!!!!!", and imagining what it is like to be in labour...for 2 seconds before I pushed myself to think of something more pleasant. And this is what Alex wrote me:

"Juliet Pascale Vermont born on 3 Mar. After a total labour time of 10 hours start to finish & 20 mins of pushing. Trademark "Bon pousser", it's a lucky charm!"

How I am proud of myself and my dear friend Alex. Bon courage I guess!


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